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    Zhou, Rong

    Release time:2017.12.14




             姓名:周荣  ZHOU Rong

                                   职称:副教授 Associate Professor




    Contact information

     Address:   College of Physics, Sichuan University, Yihuan Rd, South Section 1, No.24, Chengdu, Sichuan, China

    Tel:   +86-28-85412258

    Fax:     +86-28-85412258

    Cell     +86-18980910371



    2004-2009, Tsinghua University, Nuclear Science and Technology, Ph.D

    2000-2004, Tsinghua University, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Bachelor

    Research Interest

    Radiation Detction, Nuclear Electronics, Radiation Imaging, Medical Physics


    2009-Now, College of Physics(Nuclear Science), Sichuan University

    Major research projects and responsibility:

    1、          Development of LHAASO-WFCTA readout electronics

    2、          Development of TOF Spectrum of neutron in ICF

    3、          Research of Detection Method for Depth of Interaction of Gamma Photons

     List of major publications

    [1].    Zhang, H. Yang, C. Zhou, R. A PET detector module with monolithic crystal, single end readout, SiPM array and high depth-of-interaction resolution Journal of Instrumentation 2016.8.01 11P08020

    [2].    Y.Wang, R.Zhou, C.Yang, Verification of the method of average angular response for dose measurement on different detectors, Journal of Instrumentation, 2015, 10, T07001

    [3].    J.Zhang, S.Zhang, Y.Zhang, R.Zhou, L.Bai, J.Zhang, J.Zhang, J.Huang, C.Yang, Z.Cao, Readout electronics for the Wide Field of View Cherenkov/Fluorescence Telescope Array, Journal of Instrumentation, 2015, 10, P08003

    [4].    Qin Xue, ZHOU Rong, HAN Ji-Feng, YANG Chao-Wen, GEANT4 simulation of the characteristic gamma-ray spectrum of TNT under soil induced

    [5].    Wang, Zhonghai; Zeng, Jun; Zhu, Tonghua; Wang, Yudong; Yang, Chaowen; Zhou, Rong, Optimization of integration limit in the charge comparison method based on signal shape function, NUCL INSTRUM METH A, 2014, 5-9

    [6].    H.Zhang; R.Zhou; C.Yang, An investigation on continuous depth-of-interaction detection using a monolithic scintillator with single-ended readout, J INSTRUM, 2014, P11018

    [7].    Zhou R, Ma T, LiuY, Wu Z, Wang S, Jing Y, Cheng J. Calibration of Pinhole MicroSPECT Using a Single Point Source. Journal of Instrumentation, 2009, 4(5), P05008.