Yan Chenghui, Party committee secretary
Contact: yanchenghui@scu.edu.cn
Prof. Dr. Wu Jiagang, Dean of the Physics College
E-mail: msewujg@scu.edu.cn
Deputy Secretary of the Party committee of Chen Duhai and the Secretary of the Commission for Discipline
Contact: chenduhai@scu.edu.cn
Deputy Secretary of the Party committee of Zhang Bo
Contact: 33821266@qq.com
Prof.Dr.Liu Ning,Vice-dean
E-amil: nliu720@scu.edu.cn
Prof.Dr.Li Zhiqiang,Vice-dean
E-mail: zhiqiangli@scu.edu.cn
Prof. Dr. Zhou Rong, Vice-dean
E-mail: zhourong@scu.edu.cn
Prof.Dr.Xiang gang, Vice-dean
E-mail: gxiang@scu.edu.cn