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    Long, Bingwei

    Release time:2017.12.14


    Bingwei Long

    associate professor in physics, supervisor for Ph.D. candidates in physics. After graduating from the University of Arizona with a Ph.D. in nuclear physics, he did postdoctoral research at European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics (ECT*) in Trento, Italy and at Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Jefferson Lab) in Newport News, USA, before joining the faculty of the Department of Physics, Sichuan University in 2013. While generally interested in theoretical problems of particle and nuclear physics, Bingwei is currently focusing on the following lines of research: 1. Applications of chiral effective field theory to few-nucleon systems, including nucleon-nucleon potentials, electroweak probes in nuclear reactions. 2. Hadronic systems with strong near-threshold couplings. 3. Few-body problems of ultra-cold atoms at the unitarity limit, such as Efimov physics.