Gao, Fuhua
Release time:2017.12.14
高福华 教授
长期从事信息光子学、纳光子学等方面的研究,主持并参与国家重大专项、863高技术、自然科学基金、总装预研等资助的国家级和省部级科研项目十多项。研究工作主要针对ICF光束调控基础理论及技术难题,在强激光光束质量控制以及大面积衍射光学元件的优化设计与制作方面取得了重要的研究成果。已在Opt. Letter, Opt.Exp., Apl.Phys.Lett., 物理学报等国内外重要学术刊物上发表学术论文60多篇。
1. 微纳光子学
2. 激光调控及应用
1. Tailoring enhanced chiroptical effect with Fabry-Perot cavity-coupled sandwich chiral metamaterials, CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS, 14(6):061602 (2016)
2. Enhanced chiral response from the Fabry-Perot cavity coupled meta-surfaces,CHINESE PHYSICS B, 25(8): 084201(2016)
3. Cl-assisted highly efficient synthesis of FePd3 alloys encapsulated in graphite papers: a two stage CVD approach, RSC ADVANCES, 6(47):40676-40682(2016)
4. Fabrication of chiral-molecular@ nanoparticle complex materials with great chiroptical effect in visible region. Microelectronic Engineering 153:24–28 (2016)
5. Optoplasmonic probe to realize scanning near-field Raman microscopy. OPTICS EXPRESS 24(5) DOI:10.1364/OE.24.005243 (2016)
6. Templated fabrication of hollow nanospheres with ‘ windows ’ of accurate size and tunable number. Nanoscale Research Letters, 10:153(2015)
7. Scalable Fabrication of Quasi-Three-Dimensional Chiral Plasmonic Oligomers Based on Stepwise Colloid Sphere Lithography Technology. Nanoscale Research Letters, 10:393 (2015)
8. Pure magnetic resonances controlled by the relative azimuth angle between meta-atoms. OPTICS EXPRESS 23(14) DOI:10.1364/OE.23.017675( 2015)
9. Diffraction-dependent spin splitting in spin Hall effect of light on reflection. OPTICS EXPRESS. 23(15)(2015)
10. Incident-polarization-sensitive and large in-plane-photonic-spin-splitting at the Brewster angle. OPTICS LETTERS. 40(6):1018-1021, (2015)
11. Determination of magneto-optical constant of Fe films with weak measurements. Appl.Phys.Lett. 2014, 105(13): 131111
12. Design and fabrication of 3D chiral nanostructures based step-wise tilting deposition technology, Langmuir, 2013, 29(3): 867-872.
13. Surface-plasmon-polaritons-assisted nanolithography with dual-wavelength illumination for high exposure depth, Optics Letters, 2012 37(2): 247-249.
14. Design and fabrication of a slot aperture with softened edge based on gray-tone coding method, Microelectronic Engineering, 2011 88, 2180-2183
15. Study on intensity distribution inside the frequency conversion crystals for continuous phase plate front-located in inertial confinement fusion driver, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 2011,60 (1) 014205