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    Filippo S.Boi

    Release time:2017.12.14



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    Intro Filippo S.Boi:


    Filippo S.Boi has been engaged in the field of ferromagnetic-filled carbon materials research and in the design and development of novel Chemical Vapour Deposition and Chemical Vapour Synthesis Techniques for many years.

    He performed his PhD studies in 2010-2013 in Queen Mary University of London, School of Physics and Astronomy on the synthesis and characterization of ferromagnetically filled carbon nanotubes.

    Filippo S. Boi then joined Sichuan University in 2014 as associate professor.

    In recent years the research activity of Filippo S. Boi has been focused on the synthesis and characterization of ferromagnetically filled carbon materials with the aim of achieving an important growth control of these structures in large scale.

    This work resulted in numerous publications in significant physics, materials and chemistry journals such as Applied Physics Letters, Chemical Communications, Carbon, Faraday Discussions, Journal of Applied Physics, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Materials MDPI, RSC Advances, Royal Society Open Science, AIP Advances, and Microscopy and Microanalysis as first and/or corresponding author.

    Filippo S. Boi is now focusing on the translation of ferromagnetically filled carbon materials into direct applications in:


    1)  Magnetic data storage devices

    2)  Thermoelectric technology

    3)  Junction devices

    4)  Hybridized spin-devices and others

    5)  Electrochemical Energy storage devices


    1)  F. S. Boi*, J. Guo, M. Lan, T. Yu, S. Wang, Y. He, J. Wen, G. Xiang**. Carbon, 2016, 101, 28-36.

    2)  J. Wang, S. Ivaturi, S. Wang, A. Corrias, and F. S. Boi*. Journal of Applied Physics 2017,122,174103.

    3)  F. S. Boi*,S. Ivaturi**, S. Wang, X. Zhang. Carbon 2017, 120: 392-96

    4)  F. S. Boi*, J. Guo, S. Wang, Y. He, G. Xiang, X. Zhang** and M. Baxendale***. Chem. Comm. 2016, 52, 4195-98.

    5)  J. Guo, Y. He, S. Wang and F. S. Boi*. Carbon 2016, 102, 372-82

    6)  F S Boi, G Mountjoy, M  Baxendale*. Carbon 2013, 64, 516-26

    7)  F S Boi*, G Mountjoy, R M Wilson, Z Luklinska, L J Sawiak, M Baxendale. Carbon 2013, 64, 351-8

    8)  F. S. Boi, S. Maugeri, J. Guo, M. Lan, S. Wang, J. Wen, Gavin Mountjoy, Mark Baxendale, George Nevill, Rory M. Wilson, Yi He, Sijie Zhang, and Gang Xiang*. Appl. Phys. Lett.,2014, 105, 243108

    9)  F. S. Boi*, Y. He, J. Wen, S. Wang, K. Yan, J. Zhang, D. Medranda, J. Borowiec* and A. Corrias*. Materials MDPI 2017,10,1216.